I am grateful to all my professors of the Department
of Philosophy at SDSU whose patience, sympathy and toughness made the business of seeking a master’s degree a less painful
a process as it can possibly be. I would especially like to thank Professor Rogelio Arenas of the School of Humanities at
UABC, Tijuana, Mexico, and Dr. Thomas Weston, who opened the gate to my graduate studies. There are other debts. Dr. Andrew
Feenberg for his encouragement to continue writing about Benjamin and the Zapatistas. Dr. Steve Barbone for his friendship
and valuable help along the writing-process of the manuscript. Dr. Betty Samraj who generously read the final draft. I would
also like to acknowledge my deepest debt to Erika Alejandra for her necessary support to accomplish this scholarship project.
Last of all there are Alejandra, Andrea and Alfredo, who have the gift of fanning the spark of hope in the present.