Alfredo Lucero-Montaño

Walter Benjamin's Political Philosophy of History

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Walter Benjamin's Political Philosophy of History
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Curriculum Vitae


Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics. In The Complete Works of Aristotle. Ed. Jonathan Barnes. Vol. 2. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984.


Adorno, Theodor W. Negative Dialectics. Trans. E.B. Ashton. New York: Continuum, 1995.


Adorno, Theodor W. and Walter Benjamin. Correspondencia: 1928-1940. Ed. Henri Lonitz, Trans. Jacobo Muñoz Veiga and Vicente Gómez Ibáñez. Madrid: Trotta, 1998.


Benjamin, Walter. The Arcades Project. Trans. Howard Eiland and Kevin McLaughlin. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999.


___. The Origin of German Tragic Drama. Trans. John Osborne. New York: Verso, 1998.


___. “Karl Kraus.” In Reflections. Ed. Peter Demetz. Trans. Edmund Jephcott. New York: Schocken, 1986: 239-273.


___. Theses on the Philosophy of History. In Illuminations. Ed. Hannah Arendt. Trans. Harry Zohn. New York: Schocken, 1969: 253-264.


Benjamin, Andrew and Peter Osborne, ed. Walter Benjamin’s Philosophy: Destruction and Experience. Manchester: Clinamen, 2000.


Buck-Morss, Susan. The Dialectics of Seeing: Walter Benjamin and the Arcades project. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991.


Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional. First Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle. In Spanish and English. Retrieved September 24, 2001 from the World Wide Web:


___. Second Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle. In Spanish and English. Retrieved September 24, 2001 from the World Wide Web:


___. Third Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle. In Spanish and English. Retrieved September 24, 2001 from the World Wide Web:


___. Fourth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle. In Spanish and English. Retrieved September 24, 2001 from the World Wide Web:


___. Fifth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle. In Spanish and English. Retrieved September 24, 2001 from the World Wide Web:


___. EZLN: Documentos y Comunicados, 1 de enero/8 de agosto de 1994. México: Era, 1994.


___. La Marcha del Color de la Tierra. Comunicados, cartas y mensajes del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, 2 de diciembre del 2000/2 de abril de 2001. México: Rizoma, 2001.


Habermas, Jürgen. “Walter Benjamin: Consciousness-Raising or Rescuing Critique.” In. On Walter Benjamin: Critical Essays and Recollections. Ed. Gary Smith. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991: 90-128.


Hanssen, Beatrice. Walter Benjamin’s Other History: of Stones, Animals, Human Beings, and Angels. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998.


Horkheimer, Max. “Materialism and Morality.” In Between Philosophy and Social Science: Selected Early Writings. Trans. G. Frederick Hunter, Matthew S. Kramer, and John Torpey. Cambridge: MIT, 1995: 15-47.


___. “Materialism and Metaphysics.” In Critical Theory: Selected Essays. Trans. Matthew J. O’Connell et al. New York: Continuum, 1992: 10-46.


Marcos, Subcomandante. “La Historia del Principio y del Fin.” In Desde las Montañas del Sureste Mexicano. México: Plaza y Janés, 1999.


___. Letter to La Jornada (México) September 24, 1999.


Mosès, Stéphane. El Ángel de la Historia: Rosenzweig, Benjamin, Scholem. Trans. Alicia Martorell. Madrid: Cátedra, 1997.


Osborne, Peter. “Small-scale Victories, Large-scale Defeats: Walter Benjamin’s Politics of Time.” In Walter Benjamin’s Philosophy: Destruction and Experience. Ed. Andrew Benjamin and Peter Osborne. Manchester: Clinamen, 2000: 57-107.


Radnoti, Sandor. “Benjamin’s Politics.” Telos (Fall 1978) 37: 63-81.


Reyes-Mate, Manuel. “La Historia como Interrupción del Tiempo.” In Filosofía de la Historia. Ed. Manuel Reyes Mate. Madrid: Trotta, 1993: 271-287.


___. La Razón de los Vencidos. Barcelona: Anthropos, 1991.


Smith, Gary, ed. On Walter Benjamin: Critical Essays and Recollections. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1991.


___. Benjamin: Philosophy, Aesthetics, History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989.


Tiedemann, Rolf. “Historical Materialism or Political Messianism? An Interpretation of the Theses ‘On the Concept of History.’” The Philosophical Forum (Fall/Winter 1983-1984) XV, 1-2: 71-104.


Wolin, Richard. Walter Benjamin: An Aesthetic of Redemption. Berkeley: University of California, 1994.


___. “Experience and Materialism in Benjamin’s Passagenwerk.” In Benjamin: Philosophy, Aesthetics, History. Ed. Gary Smith. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989: 210-227.

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